Meet Jon

Hi, my name is Jon McNeil and welcome to my blog! I would like to first thank you for stopping by and spending a little time on my site. For that, I promise to always give you the no fluff, honest truth about internet marketing and making money online.
I will be able to relate to majority of you who visit my blog. The reason being is that I’ve wasted tons of money, time and had more frustrating nights then I care to think about. There is one thing that I want you to understand right now:
You see, I didn’t think it was possible to make money online mainly because I was brain washed. That’s right, I was fed a bunch of lies and false promises of how I could make a gazillion dollars online overnight and never do any more then plug into some Guru’s super system. Does that sound familiar to any of you?
I bet it does….
Who am I? I’m a regular guy that loves his family, basketball and internet marketing. I am person determined to reach my goals, no matter what obstacles I face or setbacks I encounter. I also have a passion for helping others. I once read that if you spend time building people, then people will build your business; therefore, I’ve created this blog for you. The content, the videos are all for you to learn and implement. Taking action is truly key, as you will never make any money if you don’t implement the things you have learned. With that being said, I’m going to give you the three things you’ll need to make money online:
Consistent Action
Positive Mindset
A Don’t Quit Attitude
There are multiple ways and strategies to make money online, and the three nuggets above will be needed no matter what you are doing. Don’t be afraid to work hard and put in time to learn what’s necessary to grow your business. Stay positive and don’t give up when something doesn’t go as planned. Know that you will make it if you continue to do your due diligence. Work at your business as much as possible; do something daily that can get you closer to your financial goals. It will happen if you work and believe. Trust me, I’m proof that you can.
Lastly, I’d like to tell you to have fun. I’ve found that things become easier when I’m relaxed and inject fun into my business. Be yourself, and you’ll attract others in your business that will prosper alongside you.
Enjoy my blog and come back often. I will be constantly providing you with information that has helped me along the way and hopefully give you many shortcuts, so you want experience my same failures.
Let’s build massive wealth together!
Jon McNeil