Make Money With Clickbank

For those who are interested in making money online, you’ve probably heard about Man trying to make money with clickbankClickbank. It’s one of the more popular ways of making money, especially for those who are just starting out.

In fact, many who begin their quest to make money with Clickbank will see it as a potential gold mine. This is mostly due to how Clickbank has everything set up, so all you have to do is start promoting.

However, it’s not as easy as that. All the products offered on Clickbank have other individuals like yourself doing promotions, and the competition can be fierce. Despite that, there are those who earn up to five-figures per month with the products that are offered.

If you are interested in that kind of monthly income, then you’ll need to know what Clickbank is, how to choose the right products, set up your sales funnel, and create a marketing campaign that drives people to make a purchase.

What is Clickbank?

Clickbank is essentially an affiliate marketing network where you sell the products being offered and earn a commission when they are purchased. Clickbank offers thousands of products, so finding the one that is right for you should be easy. In addition, everything is set up for you, so the only aspect you need to work on is marketing the products being offered.

How to Choose What to Promote?

It’s tempting to choose a product that will make you the most money, but that isn’t always the best option. It’s generally better to choose products you have a genuine interest in so you can produce quality content which can be used for promotions.

While choosing a quality product is important, having the right training is an absolute must. There are a couple of Clickbank affiliate marketing programs you can try out to guide you in this process. Check out this video below for more information:

Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Programs

Commission Hero –

12 Minute Affiliate –

Super Affiliate System –

Clickbank University –

Creating a Sales Funnel

You may have heard the term “sales funnel” but may not fully understand what it means. Consider that most people will say “no” several times before finally making a purchase. This means that you have to create a funnel that entices them to buy your product by continually reminding them of why they should have it.

To create a sales funnel, you will need to make the following;

  • Lead Capture Page: This brings in those who are interested, but not ready to purchase
  • Thank You Page: Being courteous to a potential customer always helps
  • Sales Page: Where you ask them to buy your product

Sales Funnel
Business photo created by dashu83 –

The sales funnel turns leads into customers, which is why having one is so important to your sales efforts. It captures leads and allows you to follow-up with an autoresponder that will provide you with sales in the long run. One tool at your disposal is Clickfunnels which creates landing pages for you to capture leads.

Email Marketing

With so few people buying products when they first see them, it’s very important that you consistently generate leads and follow-up with an effective email marketing campaign. You start by setting up an autoresponder which sends out emails on a regular basis to the leads who are still interested in making a purchase. This allows you to market the product to the potential customer several times which maximizes the chances that they will eventually buy what you have to offer.

The emails you send should tell leads about the benefits of the product and why they should make the purchase. In some scenarios, you can send a manual email which is known as a “broadcast message” and in other cases you can have a pre-made series of messages where automated messages are sent.

Driving Traffic

Now that you have the system in place to capture leads and work them with autoresponders Social Media Traffic Methodsto make sales, all you need to do is find potential customers. You can do this through methods which provide you with a recurring income.

A recurring income, also known as passive income, is one where you promote the product once and it keeps making money for you over and over again.

One way to do that is with YouTube, the second largest search engine next to Google. You simply find a product and create a review about the pros and cons or you can create a tutorial showing how to use it.

You can shoot and edit the video yourself or create free videos using programs such as Adobe Spark. Another option is to outsource the video to places like Fiverr and have the work done for you, although it will cost a little money.

You’ll most likely need to make quite a few videos if you choose the YouTube route. This allows you to fine tune the message with the right copy, images, and content to spark interest in the product.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) applies to videos just as much as blogs. You will need to optimize your video using certain methods to get it ranked in the search results. SEO consists of targeting certain keywords in your title, tags, and description.

When you first start off, you want to make sure you target keywords that will get your video noticed. If you target keywords with low traffic or too much competition, it’s very unlikely you’ll gain the traction needed for your marketing campaign.

Driving Traffic to Capture Page

Once you have created and uploaded your video to YouTube, you’ll want to put the link to Capture Pageyour capture page at the top of the description. That way, people who are interested can click to find out more information.

In addition, you’ll want to create a Thank You page with a button that sends people to your product on Clickbank. It also helps to create a Call-to-Action at the end of your video.

This is basically asking people to purchase your product. You’d be amazed at just how effective it is to simply ask an interested party to buy what you have to offer.

Quite often, the Call-to-Action is what pushes them over the edge and turns them into customers. It helps if you build a relationship with your consumers at the beginning and using video is a great way to do that.

As you can see, choosing a product, creating content, and marketing with Clickbank is simple and straightforward. But as with any successful endeavor, it will take persistence, patience, and adjusting your approach to improve the results.

You won’t become an overnight success with Clickbank, but if you’re persistent in your efforts, you have the ability to create a substantial monthly income from selling the products it offers.

Process For Making Money Online

Final Thoughts

Making money with Clickbank is more feasible with the right program. If you want to increase the likelihood of being successful, it’s best if you sign up for a program you believe will work best for you.

Make sure you watch the video in the middle of this post so you can review the best Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Programs. Once you have, go ahead and test out a program by clicking one of the links below:


Top 4 Programs:

Commission Hero –

12 Minute Affiliate –

Super Affiliate System –

Clickbank University –